Nurturing Caregiver

Growing up in Oregon I had a strong connection with nature and was a natural born caregiver for all the animals and plants on the farm. I witnessed my first birth at age 12 when my niece was born and ever since I've always had a foot in the birth world. Throughout college in Hawaii, Arizona and Oregon, I nannied and helped mamas and their families through pregnancy and postpartum for years.
In my late twenties I spent a lot of time traveling and developed a strong relationship with many families in the Sacred Valley of Peru where I was transformed through plant medicine and reconnected with ritual, ceremony and intention.
I have been in the Bay area since 2016 and completed my doula training with Natural Resources in San Francisco. My first year I volunteered as a doula at SF General Hospital every month. I have done numerous trainings in hypno-birthing, herbalism for pregnancy/postpartum and mitigating the effects of sexual trauma in birth.
I gave birth to my daughter in December 2020 at home and I'm expecting my second in August 2022. I live in Sebastopol, California and after experiencing my own birth I feel focused mostly on postpartum care as well as helping women heal from loss (miscarriage & abortion).
In my role as a certified Doula, I offer support to women and their partners before, during and after childbirth. My role is to help facilitate safe, positive and empowering birthing experiences by offering the information, emotional support and physical support needed during this time. I am happy to have a complimentary meeting to see if I may be a good fit for your needs, feel free to call or e-mail me.